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Fryšták course

May 2019

Justification: I attended an intensive language course in Fryšták, where we spoke in English all the time, which is why I decided to use it as an artifact in my portfolio. The course started on Tuesday and ended on Friday, which means 4 days of English and no other language (it was even a rule not to speak any other languages at this course).

Reflection: To be honest, I was not very happy when I heard about the English-only policy, but later on I started to realize that it is actually quite nice and that it is was easier to express myself in English. When I came home, I found out that I am thinking in English (and well, when I spilled a cup of coffee all over the kitchen floor, I even cursed in English) and when I met my friends in the evening, I automatically started to speak in English to them. I really appreciate this experience, because I feel that it improved my language skills a lot, way more than a usual class. 

The Submarine presentation

April 2019

Justification: In every semester, we are asked to hold a presentation about topic of our own choice in the classes of Practical Language. This term was not different, the only change was that it was supposed to be connected with culture

I was thinking quite a long time about a topic I would like to talk about in front of the whole class, and then it me: What is my favourite movie of all time? Submarine, of course.

Reflection: I do not find it difficult nor uncomfortable to speak in front of class, so I did not feel nervous at all and even enjoyed it. The main reason is probably fact that I talked about something I know very well and had it supported with powerpoint presentation, so even if I got lost and forgot about what to talk about next, no one would notice anything. 

When it comes to my language skills, I think that I used rather simpler language when speaking, because I feel more confident. However, I would like to change it in the future and start using "fancier" words more often. 

The relationship between Robinson Crusoe and Friday

November 2018

Justification: One of the requirements in the class of British History is to hold a short presentation connected to any topic discussed this semester. I chose to make my presentation about the story of Robinson Crusoe, more particularly about the relationship between Friday and Robinson. The presentation was based on a psychological article published online (  and it discussed hypothetical possibilities of how Friday and Robinson should behave to each other using psychological methods. 

Reflection: Frankly speaking, I should have chosen an easier topic to present, it was very demanding to explain the method used to analyze the relationship, even though I tried to keep it simple. However, I think that my audience received it quite well and I did not feel uncomfortable or lost while retelling it. 

The presentation about Lasagna

October 2018

We were asked to hold a short presentation in a class of Practical Language this semester. The topic was free, the only condition was that the first initial of the topic’s title is supposed to be a letter from alphabet chosen by chance.

Justification: I got a letter L and I was trying to think of something engaging enough to entertain the audience, yet easy to present. The idea of talking about lasagna came to my mind almost immediately, firstly because it is my all time favourite meal and secondly, because I find it interesting to know more about it.

Reflection: I actually enjoyed holding this presentation, simply because I was deeply interested in this topic. I enjoy talking in front of people, so that is why I was not nervous at all. However, I felt that I might have used more advanced range of vocabulary, but I forgot some words while holding the presentation and had to save myself by describing their meaning in other, simpler words. 

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