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February 2019

My goals have not changed much since the last semester - I still desire to work on my speaking skills, as well as to focus on my pronunciation and master the British accent. I plan to go to England again soon, so this could be probably the first-hand experience for me. 

As for writing and vocabulary, I plan to start working in a language school soon, which will help me with both of these aspects - I will have to consider how my teaching materials look like. I also plan to read more sophisticated texts in order to improve my vocabulary and also understand more the comprehension of texts and how they work, because this affects also my writing skills. 

When it comes to listening, it is probably not as good as I want it to be, because I found out that I sometimes struggle to understand Scottish and Irish accents. Therefore I would like to work on it and maybe listen to some radio or watch TV programmes in these accents. 

September 2018

I try to sharpen my skills as often as I can since I have started studying this field of study, and this semester is definitely not going to be different.

I feel that the area that I would like to improve the most is probably speaking, mainly because this semester I will be tutoring English for the first time in my life.
The very first aspect I wish to work on is probably my accent. I always preferred British before American, and this summer I was reassured about it when I spent some time in England. It would be easy to obtain British accent if I lived in the UK, but unfortunately, it is not possible for me right now. Luckily, there are still many ways how to improve it. I chose, for instance, watching British TV series, such as Peaky Blinders and Black Mirror. I particularly chose these two because they deal with serious topics (I noticed that comedies tend to use simpler language) and I find them quite challenging at times, considering not only the reception of pronunciation, but also vocabulary used there.
Although I find it essential to build up all skills as much as possible, the second most important aspect for me this semester is to develop  better speaking skills, which is closely connected to the pronunciation part. I plan to achieve this simply by speaking in English on daily basis. For example, I made a deal with my boyfriend that we will talk to each other in English for 10 minutes everyday so that the competence to express ourselves freely and effortlessly improves faster.

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